Mohamed Ezzat

Machine Info OS: Linux Difficulty: Medium Points: 30 Release: 11 Dec 2021 IP: Network Scanning We have only two open ports ssh:22 and http:80 nmap -p- -T4 -A

Machine Info OS: Linux Difficulty: Medium Points: 30 Release: 19 Feb 2022 IP: Network Scanning There are three ports found by nmap ssh:22, http:80 and http:5678 nmap -p- ...

Machine Info OS: Linux Difficulty: Easy Points: 20 Release: 23 Apr 2022 IP: Network Scanning We have only two open ports http:80 and ssh:22 nmap -p- -A ...

Machine Info OS: Linux Difficulty: Easy Points: 20 Release: 08 Jan 2022 IP: Network Scanning We start with using nmap for scanning and the tcp scan gives us two open ports...

Machine Info OS: Linux Difficulty: Easy Points: 20 Release: 07 Nov 2020 IP: Network Scanning As every single time we hack a machine, we start by running nmap to determine ...

Machine Info OS: Linux Difficulty: Easy Points: 20 Release: 09 Jan 2021 IP: Network Scanning Nmap As always we start by running nmap in order to determine open ports and s...

What is keylogger ? Keylogger is a type of monitoring software designed to record keystrokes made by a user. This keylogger records the information you type into a website or application and send t...

What is password cracking ? Password cracking refers to various measures used to discover computer passwords. This is usually accomplished by recovering passwords from data stored in, or transporte...

What is password sniffer ? A password sniffer is a software application that scans and records passwords that are used or broadcasted on a computer or network interface. It listens to all incoming ...

What is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) ? Simple protocol used to map IP address of a machine to its MAC address, and vice versa. What is ARP spoofing ? An ARP spoofing, also known as ARP poison...